Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Moving In

Ok, so the boyfriend and I are thinking about taking that next step…moving in together. Honestly this has been a topic of conversation for friends and family for MONTHS. Literally, no joke. They’ve all assumed that this was inevitable and had us moving in together at probably 2 months or so into our relationship. At that I myself was putting on the brakes. Even if he would have asked me back then I probably would have told him no…not yet because I wasn’t ready. Not that I didn’t care about him at the time, I just wasn’t ready to make that commitment yet. We had barely made a commitment to each other for crying out loud. Getting off the topic a little but those outside influences of friends, family, and co-workers already either had us living together, married, or with a baby on the way…COME ON! Give me a little credit to put some real thought into where I wanted and how fast I wanted all of this to go! I’m not dumb all of the time! Just have lapses in judgment occasionally! But anyway…we’re kind of taking a mini-step that some people might giggle at a little but he’s moving in with me and my mom probably by the end of the week. It really just makes more sense then him living at his sister’s. He spends every night but 2 with me and pays rent to her for basically a storage area for his clothes. And there are some other circumstances that I’m not going to elaborate on but those who I’ve talked to already know why I hinted at this for him to both him and my mom. His rent is going to be cheaper and I’ll have him there every night…I can’t wait! There is just something about having that person you love laying beside you, holding you close and whispering I love you in your ear just as you fall asleep...just makes your heart feel full and complete. That last kiss goodnight and those first kisses in the morning are so precious…because in that moment you know you’re the first and last thing they’re thinking about in their day. Makes you feel like the luckiest person in the world…maybe I am. I have such a giving and sweet boyfriend, I couldn’t even begin to describe how selfless and considerate he is because words wouldn’t be enough. And it’s not just for me, he opens himself up to helping my family, my friends…and never asks for anything in return. I can’t wait for us to begin this next step in our journey together. If he can stand to live with me 24/7, then maybe he really is the “one”…only time will tell with that. Some may be wondering how we got to there…well, I had to ask him. I know…sounds like I was jumping the gun or something, but I wasn’t. Anyone who knows Rich knows you have to ask the questions if you want to know for sure. I assumed that when he found a place that I’d probably be coming with him, but I didn’t know 100% for sure. So Sunday night I said, I’m not pushing and don’t want you to feel obligated to say yes, but when you find some place to buy or rent, am I coming with you? He nearly laughed at me and said yes as if I was crazy to ask the question. It was comforting to know for sure and even more touching to know that it was never a question to him that I would be coming with him…it’s always a good feeling to be wanted and needed…in the truest senses of the words...maybe, after all, dreams do come true and this Cinderella will get her prince and her castle.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

After All...

I know not too long ago I wrote a blog about the lack of a best friend in my life and there was a lot of response to that from those who still mean a lot to me as friends – just wanted you all to know that – but anyway, after writing it I decided to put my theory to the test and just observed my friend “interactions”. I realize now that I do I have a best friend. Now, as I explained to her because I did let her know how I felt, it’s not always the easy or expected choice when you decide who this person will be in your life. It doesn’t have to be a family member, though for a long time I thought it was for me. And I don’t want you to get me wrong on this either, I still consider them to be a pair of the closest friends I have. But I recently realized that the one person I always come back to, the one I always rely on, the one I get the goofiest with, is April. She has been there or tried to be there for all the special moments I’ve had, even the ones that seem relatively insignificant to others. She’s always given me an honest, non-jaded, non-condescending opinion on things and rarely judges the choices I make. There’s no belittling anything I say. And we’ve come to that point where you know you’re spending a lot of time with someone because we either end up wearing something similar (and no we don’t call each other up and ask what the other’s wearing) or saying the same things. She’s been a great friend and I feel lucky that we met (again) those few years ago at Louis’ palace. It’s kind of a comfort to know that I DO have that someone I can confide in, lean on, and confess to without any “looks” or put downs or eye rolling or ridicule. And for that…I’ll love her forever!
Me and April