Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Independence Day!

Well, I certainly have been a “slacker” when it comes to blog upkeep! But as I have always said, isn’t it better to be out living life instead of sitting here writing about it? I’ve always thought so…Not a whole lot that’s terribly exciting has happened anyway, which in it’s own sense can be a good thing!

Let’s see, where to begin once again? Rich and I have almost hit that 6 month mark (July 15th) and things really couldn’t be any better and I couldn’t really be happier than I am now. He’s really that person I thought I’d never find, thought I never deserved. He’s not “Prince Charming” or “Romeo” but I’ve always thought reality is so much better than fantasy and he’s proven that. I’ve finally given up on my reservations on “prying” to get to know him better and have really asked some questions and got some of the answers I wasn’t getting volunteered. I know everyone’s not an open book and Rich is one of those people, but fortunately I’m learning to open the book myself and turn the pages. He’s so special to me now and I’m constantly feeling awed and amazed that he’s in my life. I love him. It’s as plain and simple as that. There are no complications in this relationship as there has been with my previous…uhm…I’m trying to find a word that fits here. I don’t want to use mistakes, but…I guess that’s what they were. I don’t regret them, but they were bumps in the road, maybe a bit more than that…I’d have to say potholes the size of an SUV would be more appropriate! But that was then, this is now. Now is a whole new adventure, one that I’m finally finding myself able to not second guess or be suspicious about and that’s taken some time. I know he loves me too, he tells me every day and this time I know the words actually mean what they are. He’s the most patient and understanding person I’ve ever encountered, he puts up with me in all stages of my personality, the impatient, the frustrated, the sick, the grump…he takes it all and says that I’m not any of it. He’s sweet to say it but I know the truth – haha! The good the bad and the ugly…he loves me for it all. Who could ask for more than someone who just makes you happy by being there and that you do the same for? It’s taken me some time to get here, but I can’t wait to see where the journey takes us next. Everyone loves him and thinks he’s such a great guy…no hesitations or questioning this time! Finally someone who is easy to accept!

I’m continuing my singing as always…sang in what will probably be the only wedding this year, Louis and Alisha’s (congratulations to the new Mr. and Mrs. Neely!) on June 7th. It’s kind of nice to have a break from that this year actually. I’ve been in SO many weddings in one capacity or more over the last 4 or 5 years that I’m due a break! I’ve been singer, bridesmaid, bridesmaid and singer, maid of honor and singer…I think I’ve only gone to one wedding in the last few years that I’ve done nothing more than be a guest! Not that I don’t love it. I absolutely do. And it’s one of those bigger honors to be asked to sing at someone’s wedding, I have to admit. To have two people choose you to commemorate their commitment to each other in front of those most important to them, it means a lot to me. I’ve also started singing the National Anthem again, something I used to do pretty regularly when I was in High School. We started attending races at Tri-City Speedway in Franklin and I noticed they were just playing a cd or tape to do the anthem and I decided why not volunteer my services? Amazingly enough without any audition or example of my singing they accepted my offer and I’ve had the honor of singing for them twice this year, though they’ve asked more I wasn’t able to attend. It’s a great experience and I love doing it! I’ve always missed doing it and am grateful for the opportunity again! I’m a crowd lover…the bigger the better! Plus the bonus of getting to see the races for free – can’t beat that deal!

I turned (ugh) 28 a couple of weeks ago and commemorated it with a big weekend of camping and canoeing with my friends. Despite the downpour Saturday night and the drama, I couldn’t have asked for a better time. It really meant so much to me that so many people made the effort to come out and spend time with me for my birthday. And to have some that we rarely get to see make the trip over to Endeavor too, I am so grateful for their presence. Thanks to everyone who made this the best birthday I have ever had…Rich, April, Tyler, Emily, Danny, Jed, Heather, Barb, Britt, Brad, Steph, Dustin, Desi, Ryan, Bill, Nicole, Tim, Bob, Misty, Phill, Jess, Alisha, Louis, Andrea, and Codie too. It wouldn’t have been what it was without any of you. Thanks for letting me know that I count to you all too.

Other than all of that I’m still plugging away at old TPT…same old same old there and you know what? I’m okay with that. This company really is something, today Rhonda, the owner, announced to all of the fulltime employees that they would be adding an extra $20 to our pay to help with the economic difficulties everyone’s having with gas prices and other things. How many companies do that? It’s offered sort of as an attendance incentive but still, how hard is it to come to work when they’re giving you FREE money to get here? All it takes to get that extra money is not having an unexcused absence that week. It really helps prove that sometimes the businesses you think just see you as another number actually DO care. So thank you Rhonda! This will help me hugely as I have a 40 mile round trip journey to do every day!

I suppose though…that I’ve given you enough for now. I hope you all have a wonderful Fourth of July weekend – enjoy that extra day off, I know I will! Be safe and Happy Independence Day!